Sunday, April 22, 2012

My Set-up

This is the computer set-up that I have in my room, everything here is connected to my alienware m14x, I didn't buy a PC because I need to bring my data everywhere and since I go back to Indonesia a lot I need the laptop to play games and work.

Here's the pics: 

My Computer Set-up
(All photos taken with Blackberry 9860 sorry for the bad pixels)

Review : Warcraft III Reign of Chaos & Frozen Throne + DoTA

Hey everybody! Tonight I am going to review the awesome game Warcraft III : Reign Of Chaos and the Frozen Throne expansion pack! I am also going to add DoTA reiew, since DoTA is a map created for Warcraft III. Ok, and also I want to explain RTS is Real Time Strategy and RPG is Role Playing Game and AI is Artificial Intelligence. I've been playing this game for years, but I thought that it would be an awesome idea to review this game.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Games!! Games!! Games!!

Hey everybody, long time no blog!

I just finished downloading and installing a few PC games, from all variatons. I am going to make a review on each of these games, after I finish them of course, after downloading and installing them it took almost 90GB of my harddisk. I'll try to finish the game as quickly as I can.

Here's the list:

1. Battlefield 3

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Totally awesome dorm room video clip!!!

This is one of the funniest videos I've ever seen!!!! I laughed so hard I fell off my chair, maybe it's not so funny to some people, but for people who have shared a room with another stranger than this should crack you up!! Have fun watching!!!

(Note : This is TOTALLY FOR DUDES,  for girls I suggest you don't watch this remember, WATCH AT YOUR OWN RISK)

By the Fung Brothers
"Wanking In The Dorm Room"

I hope that no one is offended, and remember have fun watching!!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Review : Razer Nostromo

Helllloooooooooooooooo everybodyyyy!

Good evening, today I am going to make a review on the "Razer Nostromo". I just got this little device on sunday, and it took me a little while to get used to it but this device is freaking awesome! For those of you who doesn't know what "Razer" is, razer is a computer company that makes products that are specially for gamers. Razer's main slogan is "FOR GAMERS, BY GAMERS". Originally started in the 1990s and it is a constantly growing company. The Razer brand is currently being marketed under Razer USA Ltd.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Big Bang Theory

Oke, these are the seasons that I have finished uploading, for those of you who doesn't know what this T.V. Show is about, I will describe in a later time.

The Big Bang Theory :
The Big Bang Theory
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5

Friday, April 6, 2012

How To : Download With Mediafire

What's up everybody?

Ok, so I am going to show how someone can download using Mediafire. Why download with Mediafire you ask?

- Fast download
- Multiple download capability
- No refresh time
- No need for password
- No need to input codes

So that's the main reasons and the best reasons why everyone should use Mediafire

Now then we begin the tutorial

1. Open the link of the file.

The Big Bang Theory + How I Met Your Mother

Just finished uploading the big bang theory season 5 episode 1 - 8 and now I am going to upload the 10 episodes left right away

The Big Bang Theory

How I Met Your Mother Season 7

Just pick which episode you want to download, then click on the choice and when you go to the download page press the green button in the middle

Update 1:03 P.M. , The Big Bang Theory episode 9 to 19 have been uploaded!

Update 2:57 P.M. , The Big bang Theory Season 1 uploaded

T.V. Show Downloads!!

Ok then, for this post I am not going to write very long.

So today I just finished trying the Mediafire cloud storage, and it is totally awesome, but since I can only upload  up to 200mb for free, then I am going to upload TV Shows until I can figure out a way for me to upload high res movies, which for you who don't know is around 1.5GB depending on the length and build of the movie.

Sooooooooo for now I am going to upload the TV shows that I already have on my laptop

Collection :
- How I Met Your Mother Season 1 - 7
- Chuck Season 1 - 5
- Bones Season 1 - 7
- According to Jim Season 1 - 8
- Two And A Half Men Season 1 - 9
- Scrubs Season 1 - 9
- The Big Bang Theory
- Reaper Seasnon 1 - 2
- ICarly Season 1 - 5
- Californication Season 1 - 3
- Raising Hope Season 1 - 2
- Teen Wolf Season 1
- The Vampire Diaries Season 1 - 2
- The Event Season 1
- The Complete Mr. Bean Collection (14 Episodes)
- Sherlock Holmes Season 1 - 2

- The Simpsons Season 1 - 21
- American Dad Season 1 - 5
- Family Guy Season 1 - 5
- Ranama 1/2 Season 1 - 7 (Japanese with English Subtitle)

For now that is all I have, and all of those files takes most of my 750GB HDD, about 500GB is filled with all of those files, but It's ok. I'll just have to buy a bigger external hard drive.

Since there are so many freaking files, if you want to download a file that is already in my collection, please email or comment below and I will upload it right away for you.

Oke, that is all for now and for those of you who don't know how to download, all you have to do is press the  green "Download" button in the middle of the screen. I will make a walkthrough of mediafire and Internet download manager later.

Internet Download Manager is really helpful because it is really fast and it can pause your downloads in case you need to do something else for awhile, and most importantly it will not stop in the middle of a download.

I have already uploaded How I Met Your Mother Season 7, all 19 episodes are uploaded and ready.

How I Met Your Mother Season 7

Ciao for now!