Thursday, April 12, 2012

Review : Razer Nostromo

Helllloooooooooooooooo everybodyyyy!

Good evening, today I am going to make a review on the "Razer Nostromo". I just got this little device on sunday, and it took me a little while to get used to it but this device is freaking awesome! For those of you who doesn't know what "Razer" is, razer is a computer company that makes products that are specially for gamers. Razer's main slogan is "FOR GAMERS, BY GAMERS". Originally started in the 1990s and it is a constantly growing company. The Razer brand is currently being marketed under Razer USA Ltd.

Ok then the "Razer Nostromo", is a gaming keypad that is designed to help you get a better advantage in gaming. It is designed for intuitive game control while at the same time playing in complete comfort. With 16 fully programmable keys, 8 keymaps that you can switch t your liking, and an 8-way directional thumb pad all integrated into one dedicated gaming keypad. It is built especially for the left hand. Basically this is a replacement for your keyboard, sometimes a gaming keyboard is very expensive and we actually don't need a gaming keyboard if we already have the razer nostromo.   

This piece of amazing gaming equipment is a very handy device and it's really small so we can bring it anywhere we want, and we can use it easily. As you can see from the picture this little device has a wrist pad which is amazing, when I first had my hands on it I felt like I could play for hours and hours without getting tired. The wrist pad can reduce hand fatigue and wrist strain for people who likes to play for hours and hours. And especially the fact that even though my hand is huge, when I put my hand on the nostromo, my hand doesn't feel big. It feels that it is just the right size for my hand. And the backlight is so amazing, I sometimes like to play in the dark and that means without a backlit keyboard I wouldn't be able see anything.

Also, every single keypad / button on this thing we can change to whatever we want. There are 16 keypads total, 14 in the middle, 1 to the side right above the d-pad and one more at the bottom which is usually spacebar. Also in the middle there is a scroll wheel so that's usually not something that you can find on a keypad. Macro capabilities which means that we can use this little gadget to open up and do anything on the computer with just a click on the keypad. How Macro works is that it has a recording function which when we press record it will monitor what we are doing and if we program it right, it will do everything that we did on the recording. Here's a few print screen photos that I took of my laptop.

Now this is a photo of the Razer Nostromo from above

And here's some of pics of my own razer nostromo (sorry if the pictures are bad I took it using my blackberry)

Full View of the left side

The wrist pad with a razer logo on it

View From the right side, you are able to see the space bar and the d-pad

Photo from above

Photo from the front

The razer nostromo has a gold plated usb plug which means that is top notch and also the cable is 2 meters long and is is a strong cable, you don't have to worry about it being cut or anything. So basically this gaming keypad is totally awesome and I don't have a single regret in buying this thing. So that's all for now.

Ciao for now!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the review, I'm buying one right now!

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