Friday, July 18, 2014

Clash of Clans Abbreviations!!! (Indonesian)

Yo apa kabar bocah-bocah? Kali ini gw mau ngejelasin tentang "abrreveations".

Apa itu abbreviations? Abbreviations itu kependekan dari satu atau beberapa kata. Contohnya kayak COC itu abbreviation dari Clash Of Clans

Nah, ini beberapa abbreviations yang sering digunakan oleh pemain-pemain COC dan di forum-forum COC:


  • Army Camp - AC, camps, army, troops
  • Barracks - 'racks, trainers
  • Dark Barracks - DB, Dark trainers
  • Laboratory - Lab, research
  • Spell Factory - SF, factory
  • Barbarian King - BK, king, BKing, melee hero
  • Archer Queen - AQ, queen, AQueen, ranged hero
  • Town Hall - TH, hall
  • Clan Castle - CC, castle
  • Cannon - cnon
  • Archer Tower - AT, Arch Tower
  • Mortar - big cannon, mort, 'tar
  • Air Defense-  AD, aird, airdef
  • Wizard Tower - WT, wiz tower
  • Hidden Tesla - HT, tesla, tels
  • X-Bow - bow, XB
  • Inferno Tower - IT, inferno, discoes
  • Walls- wooden, stone, grey, golden, crystal, dark crystal, skull, LEGO/bricks, electric/zap
  • Traps- N/A
  • Bomb- bom
  • Giant Bomb- GB, gbomb
  • Spring Trap- ST, spring
  • Air Bomb- AB, abomb
  • Seeking Air Mine- SAM, seeking, seek

Clash Of Clans : Javidben

Sup guys? since it's been awhile, I am going to make a double post on one day! This time I am going to be posting about my COC account

Ok, some background info first, I started playing around October of 2013, if I remember correctly. now for some stats:
Name                 : Javidben
Level                  : 99
Clan                   : Garuda Army - Elder
Town Hall          : TH 9
Gold Grab          : 512mil
Elixir Escapade   : 461mil
Donated Troops : 40k

Currently : Farming @ Gold III - Upgrading all my walls to Skull a.k.a level 8 walls

Clash of Clans!!

It's been almost a whole year since my last post, and the weird thing is that there are still a ton of people visiting my blog. Sooooooooo, i decided to add another post, to celebrate the new year as well as giving a review of one of my most favorite games on my handheld, which is CLASH OF CLANS!!!!

Friday, February 28, 2014

2X Battery - Best Battery App for Android

Okeeee untuk pertama kalinya gw akan ngepost pake bahasa indo karena yahhhh gw pengen coba aje. 

Malam semuanya!!! Gimana kabar kalian? Kali ini gw akan memberi suatu pencerahan tentang salah satu aplikasi terbaik di android play store. Namanya 2X Battery!!!!!!

2X Battery udah gw pake 4 bulan lebih dan sampe sekarang gw tetap aja suka. Buat lebih detail lagi, HaPe yang gw pake sekarang ini adalah Xperia SP, baterenya sekitar 2300mAh. Buat hape itu sebenarnya lumayan gede tapi karena gw pake hp gw buat chat, social media, game, nonton video, browsing, dan etcetera. Buat ngecaz XSP gw sampe full kalo pakai charger biasa, kira2 perlu 2-3 jam. Dengan pemakaian gw yg luar biasa, batere gw cuma tahan sekitar 5-7 jam lah, kalo di pakai tanpa koneksi data bisa tahan 1 hari. Dan pakai 2x battery bisa tahan sehari FULLLLL dengan koneksi data aktif!!! Bagaimana bisa kau tanya?

Monday, March 18, 2013

Jailbreak Ipod Touch, Ipad, and Iphone

Jailbreaking has a butt load of advantages and some disadvantages, the iOS is very user friendly but it actually has a lot of limits and the focus of jailbreaking is to break those limits and give you a lot more functionality.  I'll list some here:

1. You can change your theme
2. Download and install paid apps for free
3. Customize lockscreen, homescreen, apps and others.
4. Enhance the stock apps
5. Jailbreaking especially helps older ipod and iphone models, because it can overdrive the old device's capabilities.
6. Can fully access the file systems
7. You can gain access to forbidden apps and services
8. Cool tweaks

1. Less battery life
2. Your Ipod may lag if you use too many tweaks
3. Your Ipod may restart / respring itself if you install an uncompatible tweak
4. Difficult to update to a newer iOS unless you're used to jailbreaking
5. Some apps might not work correctly until you tweak it.
6. May void warranty
7. May brick your phone if you don't know how to jailbreak properly

There are a whole lot more advantages to jailbreaking your device, but i'm not going to go into that since there are way too many. I will be describing some of the jailbreak tweaks in my next posts especially the tweaks that I use on a daily basis.

If you do jailbreak, I suggest you limit the number of tweaks you use. Using a lot of tweaks will drain your battery and make your device lag and repsring over and over again.
01 - 10 tweaks won't have much of a difference to your phone
11 - 20 tweaks will be okay,  slight battery drain, a little lag
over 25 tweaks, you will notice the battery drain, lagging, and your device will probably respring / restart every few minutes

Here's a link to the Evasion Jailbreak

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Counter Strike Source Mod: Making 2 Primary Weapons

Just as the title of this post say, today I am going to teach you how to make a primary weapon into a secondary weapon.

* Once you've changed the script, the weapon can't be used in the primary slot, when you buy the weapon it will always be in the secondary weapon slot
* You can't use a pistol once you've bought the second "primary weapon"
* You have to edit the scripts for each weapon
* If you edit all the weapon scripts then you won't have any primary weapons

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Counter Strike Source Mod: Adding a Crosshair to Sniper Rifles

This time I am going to show you how to add a crosshair to your sniper rifles!
I suggest you read my first CSS Mod : Unlimited Ammo / Higher Damage / Faster Shooting Speed
If you have already read my first mod, then you will be able to understand how to edit scripts.

AWP with red crosshair

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Counter Strike Source Mod : Unlimited Ammo / Higher Damage / Faster Rate of Fire

For all of those people that like playing counter strike source, today I am going to teach you how to make an unlimited amount of ammo, change damage, faster shooting speed, and others.

* These mods are for lan or against AI only, if you use these to play online then you will probably get banned!

P90 with 250 clip magazine

Friday, December 7, 2012

Greatest Survival Movies of All Time

This is just a simple list of survival movies that I've watched and there is no particular order.
BTW your definition of "Survival" maybe different than mine so there might be some weird titles.
There are some titles that I've gotten from other forums/blogs and even though I haven't watched them, I will watch them soon:

1. Cast Away – Tom Hanks, classic man stranded on Island.
2. 28 Days Later – Man wakes up from a coma to find London deserted – until he runs into a mob of crazed plague victims.
3. 28 Weeks Later – Six months have passed since London was overrun by infectious, plague-ridden zombies. Now they are back.
4. Alive – A team of tough rugby players survive a plane crash deep in the desolate, snow-covered Andes.
5. Children of Men – The last baby was born in 2009 and the world has been torn apart by nuclear fallout, rampant terrorism, and political rebellion.
6. The Killing Fields – Survival in the ensuing madness of the Khmer Rouge's genocide.
7. Shackleton – When the expedition ship Endurance becomes locked in the Antarctic ice, Shackleton vows to bring every man home alive, and against virtually impossible odds, including a 700-mile journey in an open boat through some of the worst seas in the world, he did just that.
8. The Pianist – World War II epic.
9. 30 Days of Night – A mob of vampires overruns a remote Alaskan town. Not a bad movie.
10. Black Hawk Down – Conveys raw and brutal battle through the streets of Mogadishu Somalia in 1993.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

My Set-up

This is the computer set-up that I have in my room, everything here is connected to my alienware m14x, I didn't buy a PC because I need to bring my data everywhere and since I go back to Indonesia a lot I need the laptop to play games and work.

Here's the pics: 

My Computer Set-up
(All photos taken with Blackberry 9860 sorry for the bad pixels)

Review : Warcraft III Reign of Chaos & Frozen Throne + DoTA

Hey everybody! Tonight I am going to review the awesome game Warcraft III : Reign Of Chaos and the Frozen Throne expansion pack! I am also going to add DoTA reiew, since DoTA is a map created for Warcraft III. Ok, and also I want to explain RTS is Real Time Strategy and RPG is Role Playing Game and AI is Artificial Intelligence. I've been playing this game for years, but I thought that it would be an awesome idea to review this game.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Games!! Games!! Games!!

Hey everybody, long time no blog!

I just finished downloading and installing a few PC games, from all variatons. I am going to make a review on each of these games, after I finish them of course, after downloading and installing them it took almost 90GB of my harddisk. I'll try to finish the game as quickly as I can.

Here's the list:

1. Battlefield 3