Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Counter Strike Source Mod : Unlimited Ammo / Higher Damage / Faster Rate of Fire

For all of those people that like playing counter strike source, today I am going to teach you how to make an unlimited amount of ammo, change damage, faster shooting speed, and others.

* These mods are for lan or against AI only, if you use these to play online then you will probably get banned!

P90 with 250 clip magazine

Things that you need:
1. Counter Strike Source on your pc / laptop
2. download HL2 Scripter ( I got the link from another site)


1.Open up:

For Valve players:
C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\YOUR LOGIN NAME FOR STEAM\counter-strike source\cstrike\scripts\
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\YOUR LOGIN NAME FOR STEAM\counter-strike source\cstrike\scripts\
For Aviara players:
C:\Program Files\Counter Strike Source  Full Game v_1.0.0.75-=AviaRa=-\cstrike\scripts
C:\Program Files (x86)\Counter Strike Source  Full Game v_1.0.0.75-=AviaRa=-\cstrike\scripts

2. Choose a weapon to be edited, for example :  weapon_p90.ctx

3. Copy that file to your desktop, now open the HL2 Scripter that you downloaded and run the HL2 Scripter.exe program. There are 4 options, press "Open CTX" beside the Counter Strike Source CTX and locate the weapon_p90.ctx file that you copied to the desktop.

4. After you have chosen the file, press "Convert". There will be a new window that says 'Decompiled Ctx File' which means the CTX file have been copied and converted into a txt file.

5. On your desktop there will be a file with the name weapon_p90.txt , please open the file with notepad or word pad, and it will come out like this:

The data that needs to be changed:

  •  "WeaponPrice" "2350" ----------->   To change the weapon price, change to any number you want
  • "Penetration" "1"          ---------->    penetration 1 / 2 / 3.  1 = weak damage // 2 = medium damage // 3 = high damage
  • "Damage" "26"        ---------->    26 is basically 26 hp if hit dead on, change to 120 to get the same damage as Magnum, you can change it to any number you want 
  • "Range" "4096"    ---------->     Range 4096 is basically middle range, for magnum the range is 8192. so again you can change it to any number you want
  • "CycleTime" "0.07"     ---------->     your shooting speed, from the 1st bullet to the 2nd one. 0.07 is the normal smg speed, i suggest you keep it at 0.07. the lower the number the faster the bullet basically 0.01 is faster than 0.07
  • "clip_size" "50"     ---------->     the ammunition of your gun, just change it to 999999, no matter what the number shows on your game screen, the total amount would still amount to 999,999 bullets.
6. After you have changed what you want, save the file again onto your desktop and use the HL2 Scripter program. Press "Open TXT" beside the Counter Strike Source : TXT and locate the weapon_p90.ctx file that you copied to the desktop and then press convert. Wait for 'Decompiled Ctx File'.

7. Copy the new weapon_p90.ctx file that's on your desktop to:

For Valve players:
C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\YOUR LOGIN NAME FOR STEAM\counter-strike source\cstrike\scripts\
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\YOUR LOGIN NAME FOR STEAM\counter-strike source\cstrike\scripts\
For Aviara players:
C:\Program Files\Counter Strike Source  Full Game v_1.0.0.75-=AviaRa=-\cstrike\scripts
C:\Program Files (x86)\Counter Strike Source  Full Game v_1.0.0.75-=AviaRa=-\cstrike\scripts

* If it asks to overwrite, then just overwrite it. Don't worry if something happens or if you want to have the normal weapon back, then just copy the scripts file that's on the HL2 Scripter rar that you've downloaded.

8. Once that's done, you can go play CSS to check out if the new script works. If you have failed then just try from step 1 again.

An edited p90 Skin with a 250 magazine

That's all for now, next I'm going to show how to add a crosshair to a sniper and how to make a primary weapon into a secondary weapon so you can have two primary weapons!

A G3SG1 as a secondary gun instead of a pistol. Which means 2 Primary Weapons

A G3SG1 with a crosshair and fast shooting speed with unlimited ammo

Good luck editing and have fun playing!


Anonymous said...

Thanks dude very helpful but i have a question ... can i change maximum clips ? ak-47 has 3 clips (90bullets) can i change it to like 5 clips (150bullets)?

Javidben said...

yeah there is a way but i haven't tried it. why dont you just use an unlimited clip? it's way easier to do it that way

Anonymous said...

hey brother I cant understand it's in chinese language
please help

Unknown said...

can't play on LAN

Javidben said...

it's not in chinese, maybe your browser is on automatic translate

Javidben said...

unfortunately i haven't tried using the mod on LAN and it's been months since i played CSS, but if there is a fix I will update this post

Anonymous said...

how about other parameters? can you explain?
is it possible to change recoil?

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