Friday, March 30, 2012

Knights of the round table!

Oke2, so this post is not about the real knights of the round table, and I started writing this blog at 3:25 A.M. after I just finished eating 2 double cheese burgers at a 24 hour McDonalds with my house mates (we live in the same apartment but different rooms) from MMU. And I saved it on my phone, when I got back I fell to sleep so I totally forgot and now it's almost a week later and I just remembered.

So, a couple hours ago I just finished reading a blog of a friend of mine, and it made me remember the awesome memories I had back in high school. Man those were amazing, great, happy, sad, frustrating, suicidal, crazy and totally awesome times. I can't believe how fast it was. Back in the first year of high school I thought that going through high school was going to take forever, and here I am writing this blog, thinking that it just finished with the blink of an eye!

Because of that thought, I got an idea to write about 5 of my closest friends from high school. My school was not a normal school, it was a private school and it also had a dormitory, and it just so happens that the school was far from my house so I was lucky.

We were named J.I.I.W.A.A (name in progress):

Now back to my story, the name of our little group was the knights of the round table, curious as to why it was called that? Well back when I was in the dormitory on the second semester of the second year of high school, I shared my room with one other person, the dude's name was andi, and who would've thought that he became one of my closest friends?

Back then we did everything together and since my room was at the 2nd floor and at the end of the corridor basically no one came to my room, well that didn't last long, at the end of the semester the seniors had graduated and their rooms were open, and that begins the story of the round table. There were 5 rooms in a row in the corridor, which was basically the best rooms out of all the rooms in the dormitory. So 2 person was assigned to each room.

It goes like this:
Room 1 : M & E
Room 2 : Andi & Me
Room 3 : F & E
Room 4 : Wahyu & Ian
Room 5 : Iqbal & Asa

We spent most of our time hanging out in my room. I didn't know why, maybe it was because me and andi kept the room clean, or because some other thing. Well, were called the knights of the round table because in my room I had this awesome low table in the middle of the room, and it was really really really small, well because the room was only like 2 x 3 meters or something. Well almost after school is over and since we can't really go home, we ended up hanging out in my room. Talking, playing cards, doing homework together, me teaching the other guys how to hide their stuff so when the teachers inspected our rooms they wouldn't find anything. Man those days were amazing.

We always spent time together, I mean we all had extra lessons at the same place, and we had the same night classes together. We even skip classes together. When we skip class we usually go to the mall or go to a cyber cafe and played this awesome game named "Point Blank" together. Man we played at the cyber cafe for hours and hours.

Well, this is all I could think of right now, and since I just woke up and haven't had any water to drink my head is dizzy and I am not thinking straight, so I'll add some more to this post later.

Ciao for now!

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