Friday, March 30, 2012

Knights of the round table!

Oke2, so this post is not about the real knights of the round table, and I started writing this blog at 3:25 A.M. after I just finished eating 2 double cheese burgers at a 24 hour McDonalds with my house mates (we live in the same apartment but different rooms) from MMU. And I saved it on my phone, when I got back I fell to sleep so I totally forgot and now it's almost a week later and I just remembered.

So, a couple hours ago I just finished reading a blog of a friend of mine, and it made me remember the awesome memories I had back in high school. Man those were amazing, great, happy, sad, frustrating, suicidal, crazy and totally awesome times. I can't believe how fast it was. Back in the first year of high school I thought that going through high school was going to take forever, and here I am writing this blog, thinking that it just finished with the blink of an eye!

Because of that thought, I got an idea to write about 5 of my closest friends from high school. My school was not a normal school, it was a private school and it also had a dormitory, and it just so happens that the school was far from my house so I was lucky.

We were named J.I.I.W.A.A (name in progress):

Now back to my story, the name of our little group was the knights of the round table, curious as to why it was called that? Well back when I was in the dormitory on the second semester of the second year of high school, I shared my room with one other person, the dude's name was andi, and who would've thought that he became one of my closest friends?

Back then we did everything together and since my room was at the 2nd floor and at the end of the corridor basically no one came to my room, well that didn't last long, at the end of the semester the seniors had graduated and their rooms were open, and that begins the story of the round table. There were 5 rooms in a row in the corridor, which was basically the best rooms out of all the rooms in the dormitory. So 2 person was assigned to each room.

It goes like this:
Room 1 : M & E
Room 2 : Andi & Me
Room 3 : F & E
Room 4 : Wahyu & Ian
Room 5 : Iqbal & Asa

We spent most of our time hanging out in my room. I didn't know why, maybe it was because me and andi kept the room clean, or because some other thing. Well, were called the knights of the round table because in my room I had this awesome low table in the middle of the room, and it was really really really small, well because the room was only like 2 x 3 meters or something. Well almost after school is over and since we can't really go home, we ended up hanging out in my room. Talking, playing cards, doing homework together, me teaching the other guys how to hide their stuff so when the teachers inspected our rooms they wouldn't find anything. Man those days were amazing.

We always spent time together, I mean we all had extra lessons at the same place, and we had the same night classes together. We even skip classes together. When we skip class we usually go to the mall or go to a cyber cafe and played this awesome game named "Point Blank" together. Man we played at the cyber cafe for hours and hours.

Well, this is all I could think of right now, and since I just woke up and haven't had any water to drink my head is dizzy and I am not thinking straight, so I'll add some more to this post later.

Ciao for now!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Battle Royale II : Requiem

What is up Everybody????

Right now it's currently 4:13 A.M. Kuala Lumpur time, and no I did not just wake up, and no I am not staying up all night. This is just the effect of me not sleeping the right way for 3 days, I only slept like 1 - 3 hours a day and then yesterday afternoon I fell asleep while watching an episode of "The Simpsons" on my Alienware Laptop! Who would've thought that I would wake up at 1:27 A.M?

So since I was bored, I decided that I would write about the movie review of the second Battle Royale Movies, which is "Battle Royale 2 : Requiem". Oh ya, sorry for the long review, since After I finished watching this movie 2 days ago my friend asked me to play basketball and I totally forgot to write the review.

In the beginning of the movie, there was a "terrorist video clip" showing the survivors of previous Battle Royales, that is led by Shuya Nanahara (Main character of Battle Royale 1), have formed a terrorist group know as the "Wild Seven". A terrorist group that had declared a war on all adults. While a class of 42 teenagers from Shikanotoride Junior High School while on a trip and were on their way back to school are gassed and kidnapped by the Japanese government. Instead of normal Japanese students, these ninth graders are “a collection of delinquents and losers that had been collected from all over Japan,” including tough-guy rugby players and punks with dyed hair. More importantly, there are many students who are orphans and whose parents or family died in the bombings that are caused by the Wild Seven. After their school bus is diverted to an army base, the students are herded into a cage, surrounded by armed guards, and confronted by their home room schoolteacher, Riki Takeuchi, who lays down the ground rules of the new Battle Royale game (it was almost the same as the previous Battle Royale).

While Wild Seven is hiding out on a deserted island, and instead of being forced to kill each other, as in the old Battle Royale, the students are sent off to war and ordered to attack the terrorist group’s hideout and their mission is to kill Shuya Nanahara (terrorist leader) within 72 hours. Most of the students were not interested in being forced to avenge their families, but are forced to participate in the game because they are afraid to die from the exploding collars around their necks (which were placed when they were gassed and kidnapped), which their captors can detonate by remote control. The teacher shows them a line that is cut in the middle of  the caged room, there are two sides, right for the winners and left for the losers. Those who wish to participate will have to cross the line to the winners side and those who doesn't will be killed. The students are put into 'pairs'; if one student dies, then his or her partner will be killed via collar detonation. The teacher had not mention that in the beginning but along the movie the students figure out for themselves.

The students are sent via boats onto the dangerous island base of the Wild Seven, and a number of them are killed when they were bomb-shelled, shot or their collar detonated during the boat ride onto the island, leaving only a half of them alive. Most notably, two of the survivors are the main protagonist Takuma Aoi, and Shiori Kitano (the daughter of Kitano, the "teacher" from the first film who died after being shot by Shuya at the end of the movie). On the island the Wild Seven had killed most of the students through traps and bullets. Little did they know that the students were actually forced to attack  the Wild Seven. Then with only a handful of students left they finally reached the outskirts of the Wild Seven's base. When one of the Wild Seven's shooters caught a glimpse of the collars around the students necks and the students were taken into the Wild Seven's base, the surviving students' explosive collars are removed and they are encouraged to help the members of the Wild Seven stop the Battle Royale for good.

While most of the survivors agree, Takuma and in particular Shiori remain unconvinced. Shuya sends a video message to the world of their goal to live free. Because of the pressure from the video, the U.S. government had launched 1 missile to the island causing part of the Wild Seven's base to be destroyed as a warning shot. In response to the video and pressure from the U.S. government, the Japanese prime minister takes command of the military present at the Battle Royale headquarters and orders an attack on the island base, with no survivors allowed. On Christmas Day, the war between the Wild Seven and the military occurs, the elite soldiers of the Japanese military attack the base of Wild Seven. At the end of the first battle there were numerous casualties on both sides. Survivors of Wild Seven retreated to the mainland via a mine shaft, leaving Shuya, Takuma and Shiori as the only remaining fighters alive versus the hundreds of soldiers left on the island. Takeuchi appears in a rugby uniform with a bomb collar around his neck (he was actually being forced to lead the students against Wild Seven), and after a brief and personal exchange, Takeuchi allows the group to flee as he sacrifices himself. After killing about 100 soldiers, Shiori is shot and dies in Shuya's arms, seemingly forgiving him and Noriko Nakagawa (other main character in the first Battle Royale) for their past crimes. Shuya and Takuma run out to kill the rest of the soldiers.

Several months later, Shuya and Takuma rejoin the other survivors, including Noriko, in Afghanistan and go their separate ways, hoping to live their lives without any further conflict.

This is an awesome ending to the movie and I am gong to give a ascore of 8.5 / 10 for this one. Yes this is an awesome movie, but I didn't get the thrill like I did when I watched the first movie. And this movie is also rated "R" so those who watch should be at least 18 years of age, also this movie is not so uch of a horor movie anymore, this movie is more like an action packed battle movie or something like that.

Now for some Pics!!!!

The Delinquent students of Shikanotoride Junior High School inside a cage

The Evil which is actually not-so-evil Teacher

Voila the cover for Battle Royale II : Requiem (I downloaded the movie from pirate bay)

The Wild Seven with Shuya Nagahara in the middle holding an Ak-47 Kalashnikov (Awesome!!!)

So that is all for the movie review for Battle Royale 2 and for this post. It took me awhile to write this one so I'm sorry guys, I'll try to write the next review as soon as I finish watching it so it would be fresh in my memory!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Battle Royale Movie Review

Hello everybody! It's 12.50 P.M. on Monday the 26th of March 2012!

I had an early class this morning, "Malaysian Studies" it's about the history and about all the things in Malaysia, I wasn't really paying attention to it coz I was freaking sleepy. I haven't slept for almost 24 hours now and my brain is about to EXPLODE! I think I should stop playing games for a little while, I mean I spent almost 20 hours in front of my laptop yesterday, editing my Battlefield 2 and Counter Strike : Source and of course playing them.

Ok, back to the story. I got out of class @ 11 and I went straight back to my apartment, turned on my laptop and plugged in my Western Drive Harddisk, 500GB of Movies, T.V. Series and music! So I was cleaning up my folders since it was such a mess, I have like 400 movies on this HDD and I've seen like 200 something. I categorized the movies to those that I've watched and those that I haven't. Out of the blue, I see this movie, the name was "Battle Royale". I thought this was a western movie from the name, I mean the name was "Battle Royale" who would've thought it was a japanese movie?

I started the movie, hoping that it was an action packed, fighting, shooting, or something of the like. And just like I always do, I skip through the movie while looking at tiny bits of it at the same time. At first it looked like a japanese / korean / chinese movie about love drama and whatever, I couldn't really tell the difference between asian people. But at the middle and the end there was a lot of gun shooting and blood and etc. So I decided to watch it, and thank god there was an english subtitle.

The main character which is "Shuya Nanahara", a Japanese middle school student, attempts to cope with life after his father's suicide by hanging. 

On the third year of Shuya's middle school, class 3-B makes a field trip however, the class is gassed and was then taken to a "briefing room" on a remote island, when they awoke, each of the 42 students ( 39 students of class 3-B with 3 "transfer students") had electronic bomb collars. Kitano (the homeroom teacher of 1-B back in Shuya's first year" explains that the class has been chosen to participate in this year's Battle Royale as a result of the BR Act, which is passed after every 800,000 students who had school. Then Kitano played a video of the "Battle Royale"  instructions, it showed that the students are forced to kill each other for three days until only one student remains. Students resistant to their rules or if the students had entered one of the randomly placed "death zones" for are killed by the collar's detonation. Kuninobu (Shuya's best friend) refuses to cooperate and Kitano slashes Kuninobu's back with a knife before detonating his collar while Shuya watches in horror, which quickly turns to rage and Shuya tried to attack Kitano but is held down by Shinji Mimura and several other students. Another student, Fumiyo Fujiyoshi, is also killed before the game begins. Each student is provided with a bag of food and water, plus one item containing either a weapon (a shotgun, a pistol, a knife) or an item (a saucepan lid, a fork, a paper fan, binoculars). The weapons are supposed to eliminate any natural advantage any one student might have over the others.

The first night sees several deaths, four of which are suicides. Exchange student Kazuo Kiriyama and Mitsuko Souma had become the most dangerous players in the game, while another exchange student, Shogo Kawada seems more merciful. Shuya promises to keep Noriko safe for Kuninobu, because Kuninobu was in love with her but does not tell her. Other students have more legitimate goals in the game: Mimura and his friends plot to hack into the military's computer systems and destroy their base of operations; Hiroki Sugimura searches for his best friend Takako Chigusa and his love interest Kayako Kotohiki. Chigusa runs into Kazushi Niida, who is sexually obsessed with her; Chigusa kills him after forcing himself on her, but is herself killed by Mitsuko. Kawada teams with Shuya and Noriko, and reveals that he had won a previous Battle Royale at the cost of his girlfriend (Keiko); he is now seeking revenge. The trio are forced to separate when Kiriyama attacks, and Sugimura rescues Shuya.

Shuya awakens in the island's lighthouse where Yukie Utsumi and the school's cheerleading squad are, and have been hiding out. Yuko Sakaki, thinking that Shuya murdered a friend of hers, attempts to poison Shuya's food, but it is inadvertently eaten by one of the girls, causing a gunfight resulting in the girls' deaths except Yuko. Yuko realises the enormity of her paranoia and jumps off to her death.

Shuya returns to Noriko and Kawada, and they set out to find Mimura's group. To a small warehouse, Sugimura tracks down Kotohiki, who panics and kills him shortly after; Sugimura professes his love before dying. Kotohiki cries in despair, and is found and killed by Mitsuko. Watching from the rafters of the warehouse, Kiriyama guns down and kills Mitsuko. Mimura's group is shot by Kiriyama before the bomb built by the group explodes. When Kawada, Noriko and Shuya arrive at Mimura's group's bombed-out base, Kawada confronts and kills the shrapnel-blinded, Uzi-armed Kiriyama with his SPAS-12 shotgun.

On thae morning of the final day, Kawada takes Shuya and Noriko aside and fakes their deaths. Knowing that Kawada has won through manipulating the BR system, Kitano ends the gme and dismisses the troops before establishing final protocol, intent on killing him. Kitano realizes, and Kawada acknowledges that he, and not Mimura, has hacked into the game system months beforehand, and has now disabled Shuya and Noriko's tracking devices. Kitano unveils a homemade painting of the dead students with Noriko indicated as the winner. He confesses that he always thought of her as a daughter, after being rejected by his real daughter, Shiori. After being shot by Shuya, Kitano takes a final phone call from Shiori before dying. Shuya, Noriko and Kawada leave the island on a boat but unfortunately Kawada dies from injuries sustained in his gunfight with Kiriyama. Shuya and Noriko are declared fugitive criminals, and last seen on the run in the direction of a Tokyo JR train station. 

This is a terrific movie, and I give a rating of 9 / 10. For those of you who like horror, mind-twisting, mind-blowing movies, then I suggest you watch this one. Even though to me this movie wasn't so scary, but to you normal peace-loving people then this would be a scary movie like no other. Remember, this movie is filled with gun shooting and a lot of blood, which makes this movie rated "R" that means only 18 and above are allowed to watch.

And now I have finished downloading Battle Royale II : Requiem I am going to watch it and give another review right away! I will update soon with the link for this movie, and if there is anyone that wants the 3D version of this movie, please contact me.

Ciao for now!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Top 10 games of young Javid Bennabi (Part 1)

Hola everybody!

So yesterday I blogged about one of my favorite games since I back then, and thanks to that I started remembering all of the old games that I used to play back when I was still a kid. For instance, back when I just moved to the United States, a had an Indonesian friend named Aditya, we lived in the same block, great guy and also very funny. So back to the story, on the first week in the US I had no friends and nothing to do, so my parents had me meet and play with Aditya, so when I met him he was playing "The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time" (which is still totally awesome to this day) which was played on a nintedo 64 console. Even though it's a single player game, we still had fun playing!

So for today's blog I am going to talk about my top 10 favourite games back when I was small!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Battlefield 2!!

It's been a freaking long time since I posted, and also it's been a long time since I played Battlefield 2 (my favourite game since 2007). So I decided to write about the game!

                             Voila this is one of the greatest Multiplayer Shooting game ever made!

Just as the name describes, this game is about being in a battlefield. We can choose from 3 countries either United States, China or Middle East Coalition (a fictional faction) . We are able to drive vehicles and infantry which is very realistic, and weapons have firing cones and rates that mimic actual life fairly closely (balanced for fun, of course).  More importantly, the pace of the game is undeniably fun, and the "Battlefield moments" like helicopters getting sideswiped by planes, tanks exploding, bodies catapulting across the sky, and so on, are all so frickin' cool that it's near impossible to stop playing. Before you start playing you would be able to choose a "map" which is basically your batlle location. Most of the battle locations seem to center around oil fields, refineries or dams, which makes a kind of sense given the conflicts. Each of these areas also comes with a small description about the purpose of the map, which helps explain things a bit. 

This is a pic of me landing a helicopter on what looks like a trailer (which is very hard btw)

Twelve different locations make Battlefield's battle locations. Maps aren't as detailed as I would have liked them to be but are still pretty well thought-out. Some environments are better than others in terms of gameplay, while a few simply look cool. Strike at Karkand, for instance, is an excellent map. It combines fast-paced gameplay with good amounts of strategy in an urban setting. It's got a claustrophobic appeal that makes the experience much more intense. It's a perfect map for tightly grouped infantry combat, and I suspect it'll become a favorite of those that prefer a match without a ton of huge vehicles. On the other side of the spectrum is Kubra Dam, which I think sucks. While the dam does look really cool (particularly when flying around in a helicopter), this particular map is a huge pain in the ass to navigate without a vehicle.
The rest of the maps offer a varying degree of good and concentrate on various parts of the game, but it's easy to want more distinct environments. Still, all of the maps are well thought-out and they give us a very good sense of reality, the thing is that the props are not very detailed but everything is still good.

One of the more interesting things about each map in Battlefield 2 is that there are three versions, depending on the number of players participating. 16, 32 and 64-player flavors are all provided. The difference between 16 and 32-player fields is pretty huge. Maps set to 16 cut the size of the combat zone down considerably to allow players to find each other quickly and fight over a small number of total capture points. The differences between the 32 and 64 player maps can be less dramatic. While there are some maps that expand the territory noticeably, there are those that simply add a tiny amount (or no amount) of extra room along with a spawn point or two.  

One time back in 2007 (I was in Middle School BTW) me and my friends went to a cyber cafe and for the first time I tried this game, I was mind blown! I played for hours and hours with my friends without getting tired or bored. Especially when there are more people to play with! Well nothing good lasts forever, when everyone was getting tired and started to go home, the game got a little boring, but dont worry, because there is a solution! This game comes with a single player mode, and that means bots! For those of you who doesn't know what bots are, bots are AI (Artificial Intelligence) basically they are made & controlled computer characters who play with you! A game where you can play both single and multiplayer mode, which means you will never be bored!

All in all I give this game a rating of 8.8 out of 10

Minimum Requirements

CPU:1.7 Ghz *CPU:2.4 Ghz *
VGA:NVidia GeForce FX 5700, ATI Radeon 8500 or ATI Radeon 9500 with 128 Mb of RAM **VGA:Video Card with at least 256 Mb of RAM **
DX:DirectX 9.0cDX:DirectX 9.0c
OS:Windows XP (32 Bit Version)OS:Windows XP (32 Bit Version)
HDD:2.3 GB free hard drive space or moreHDD:2.3 GB free hard drive space or more
Sound:DirectX 9.0c compatibleSound:Sound Blaster X-Fi series recommended
ODD:8x or faster CD/DVD driveODD:8x or faster CD/DVD drive
Network:Broadband (Cable, DSL, or a faster) connection. Internet or Network (2-64 players).Network:Broadband (Cable, DSL, or a faster) connection. Internet or Network (2-64 players).
Note: * Battlefield 2 supports the following processors: Intel Pentium 4 Intel Xeon Intel Pentium Extreme Edition Intel Celeron D AMD Athlon XP AMD Athlon 64 AMD Athlon 64-FX AMD Sempron processor ** Battlefield 2 only supports the following video cards: Radeon X700 (PCIe) Radeon X600 (PCIe) GeForce 6600 (PCIe) GeForce PCX 5900 (PCIe) GeForce 5800 Series (AGP) ATI Radeon X800 XT Platinum Edition ATI Radeon X800 PRO ATI Radeon 9800 Series ATI Radeon 9600 Series ATI Radeon 9550 (RV350LX) ATI Radeon 9500 / 9700 Series ATI Radeon 8500 Series ATI Radeon X300 Series NVidia GeForce 6800 Ultra NVidia GeForce 6800 GT NVidia GeForce 6800 NVidia GeForce FX 5950 Series NVidia GeForce FX 5900 Series NVidia GeForce FX 5700 Series