Thursday, March 22, 2012

Top 10 games of young Javid Bennabi (Part 1)

Hola everybody!

So yesterday I blogged about one of my favorite games since I back then, and thanks to that I started remembering all of the old games that I used to play back when I was still a kid. For instance, back when I just moved to the United States, a had an Indonesian friend named Aditya, we lived in the same block, great guy and also very funny. So back to the story, on the first week in the US I had no friends and nothing to do, so my parents had me meet and play with Aditya, so when I met him he was playing "The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time" (which is still totally awesome to this day) which was played on a nintedo 64 console. Even though it's a single player game, we still had fun playing!

So for today's blog I am going to talk about my top 10 favourite games back when I was small!

1. The Legend Of Zelda : Ocarina Of Time

The Legend Of Zelda : Ocarina Of Time

For numero uno, goes to "The Legend Of Zelda : Ocarina of time"! And Voila one of the greatest games ever made and it's also rated "E" for everybody! So this game is an adventure game that on the first time I played it, I didn't sleep for almost 2 days!

This is a pic from the game

The Legendary Nintendo 64!

This is the great Nintendo 64, back in 2001 I played this thing almost everyday! There is a memory card slot, game slot, and a plug for the controller! I will explain more later!

2. Bad Fur Day

And for number 2 we have "Bad Fur Day"! Which is basically about a squirrel going on dangerous adventures / mission with a lot of blood and a whole bunch of gross stuff including the "number 2". It's a very fun game but unfortunately it is rated "R" which means you have to be at least 18 years old to play. I am not very proud of when I played this, because I was just 9 years old and I was playing with my friends who are younger than me. Before playing the game I had to wait until my parents went to work, then closed all the curtains in the living room and locked all the doors before I could start playing this game. Yeah I know I sound a little bit paranoid but I was just a kid back then you know.

Two "Bosses" from the game, Mr. Raptor (left) and Mr. Poop (right)

3. Runescape

Now for number 3 we have Runescape a MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game). Which is freaking massive, back in 2003 when I satrted playing this game, there were already over a million players! Even now it is still growing, there are players from countries all over the world! But this game is a "browser" game  so basically you can play from any computer as long as the computer has a good graphic card and a fast internet connection. The graphics on the game is all that great, but for a browser game the graphic is actually great. It's so hard to gain a level in this game that it took me almost 2 years of playing to get to level 75 (don't forget that I was still a kid and kids go to school and have homework) so I play aroun 1 - 2 hours a day). More on this later.

Picture of gameplay

Now this is what a Saturday afternoon is like, pic of people selling or buying items

4. Counter Strike

Now then, for numbah 4 (KND) we have the very awesome and the best of them all shooting game, COUNTER STRIKE!!! And I mean not just the one version of counter strike, but all of them is awesome! Back in 2006 when I just moved back to Indonesia, I discovered that the internet sucked, it was so slow that I could just shot myself, and since the internet was so slow I couldn't play Runescape which I had played for everyday for almost 3 years! It was a sad sad and rainy day when I discovered the internet was so slow, I was in a cyber cafe with one of my close friends from 19 JHS (19 Junior High School located in jakarta, Indonesia), named "Fady" helped me open google which took  freaking minutes?! And that was when my friend showed me CS, a terrorist vs counter terrorist shooting game which I fell in love with just after 5 minutes! After that I came everyday to the cyber cafe until I had my own computer. More on CS later!

Counter Strike Condition Zero (left) and Source (right)
Do not ask me what is the difference, I will describe it at another time.

5. Battlefield 2

Number 5 we have, Battlefield 2! I hope I don't have to describe this game again, for those of you who wants to know battlefield 2 please read my previous blog. As to why BF2 is my number 5 favorite is because I started playing it in Junior High almost at the same time as when I started playing counter strike. And also to play Battlefield 2 there are a lot of computer requirements to play this game without any lagging or exiting by itself.

Pic of some pics put together from BF2 Screenshots

I will blog about the rest of top10 at a later time, and I will also make a review of all the games in my top 10.

Ciao For Now!

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