About Me

Hi everybody! The name's Javid Bennabi! You can call me javid, but most of my friends call me big bro.

Born on Friday 27th August of 1993!

I was born in Indonesia, in the great city of Jakarta. I spent the greatest 7 years of my childhood life in Indonesia before going to United States of America where I spent 5 years in Ohio. During those 5 years I've studied english exclusively and I experienced a lot during my time there. So then I came back to Indonesia and finished my highschool (2011) there. After graduating, I had a hard time choosing where to go to college and finally, I spent around 11/2 years in Malaysia at Multimedia University studying Game Design! and now I moved back to Indonesia, majoring in Geography at University of Indonesia!

That's the whole summary of my life right now. Oh and before I forget, I love playing basketball, computer games, hiking, camping, watching TV and reading. Oh yeah I also love tweaking computers, handphones, tablets and all kinds of electronic devices.

Email 1 :             javid.bennabi@gmail.com
Email 2 :             lebih_biasa@yahoo.com
Twitter :             @javidben
Facebook :        Javid Bennabi
Skype :              Javidben
Instagram :         Javidben

If you need any help on anything what-so-ever you can just ask me.

Thanks For Reading!