Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Rambo Quadrology - Part 2

The second of the four "Rambo" Movies is

- First Blood part II

In the second installment of the series in 1985, Rambo is tasked by Col. Trautman to return to Vietnam to search for American POWs remaining in Vietnamese captivity. Marshall Murdock (Charles Napier), the official in charge of the mission, is portrayed as a corrupt political figure who does not want to expose the truth. Rambo is not to engage the enemy and instead is ordered to take photographs of a North Vietnamese military base to prove to the American public there are no more POWs in Vietnam, although Murdock knows that there are.

Rambo is sent to a part of the jungle where Murdock receives confirmation that no POWs were being held at the time. Rambo works with a Vietnamese woman known as Co Bao, who is an anti-communist Vietnamese rebel serving as an intelligence agent for Rambo. However, Rambo discovers that there is a POW camp where he was dropped; POWs are rotated between camps, and coincidentally are nearby when he was dropped. Rambo breaks one POW out of the camp and attempts to escape, only to be refused access to the base by Murdock and to have himself and the POW recaptured by the Vietnamese soldiers. Rambo is immobilized in a pit of sewage and leeches, then tortured by Soviet soldiers, who are allied with the Vietnamese and training Vietnamese soldiers. Co enters the base under the guise of a prostitute for hire, where she aids Rambo in escaping. After Rambo expresses his deepest gratitude for his rescue, the two share a kiss, after Co implores him to take her back to America with him. However, as they prepare to move on, Co is shot down by surprise gunfire.

Enraged, Rambo then acts on his own initiative and starts a one-man rescue mission, stealing a Soviet helicopter and breaking all the POWs out of captivity. After returning to the US base in Thailand with all the POWs, Rambo becomes enraged at how the United States government has ignored the existence of surviving soldiers being held captive. Rambo then threatens Murdock and tells him to be forthright with the American public regarding the truth of the POWs and to spare no expense in rescuing them all, else he will return for Murdock's hide. When Trautman says Rambo will be honored once again, he declines, saying the POWs deserve medals and accolades more than him as they were regular soldiers who endured torture and extraordinary hardships. For his actions in Vietnam, Rambo is granted a presidential pardon and remains in Thailand to reside.

So for First Blood part II, I give a 7 / 10, it was a great movie but I think it's missing some details.

Pirate Bay Torrent Link : The Rambo Quadrology Link :
  1. Rambo : First Blood
  2. Rambo : First Blood II
  3. Rambo III
  4. Rambo IV

Monday, January 23, 2012

The Rambo Quadrology - Part 1

The first of the four "Rambo" Movies is

- First Blood

Upon returning to the United States, Johnny J Rambo (Sylvester Stallone) has difficulty adjusting to civilian life and wanders the country as a drifter. In the beginning of the movie, Rambo was traveling to the fictional town of Hope, Washington, in search of a Special Forces buddy named Delmore Barry. Rambo arrives at Delmore's supposed residence and finds out that Delmore had died from cancer. He then travels to Hope in the attempt to find a diner and maybe a temporary job. However, the over-confident town sheriff Will Teasle (Brian Dennehy), does not welcome Rambo, judging Rambo negatively because of his long hair and scruffy look. The sheriff then takes rambo to the edge of town and drops him there. Rambo disobeys the sheriff's order to stay away from Hope, as he has done nothing wrong to the community and because of that he was cuffed by the sheriff and taken to the police station.

The harassment triggers flashbacks of Rambo's traumatic memories of his torture at the hands of the Vietnamese when he was a prisoner of war, and his mind regresses into thinking he is once again fighting in combat. Rambo fights his way out of the sheriff's department with his bare hands and makes his way into the wilderness via a stolen motorcycle. A manhunt ensues. The sheriff and his deputies cannot win against Rambo in the forest, and sheriff and his men were all badly wounded as a result of trying to capture him. Rambo deals with them efficiently and although capable of doing so, he doesn't kill any of them. However, he unintentionally kills a police officer in self-defence by throwing a rock at a helicopter, causing the pilot to lose control and an officer to fall out. The Washington State Patroland and about 200 members of the Washington National Guard are called in to assist.

At this point, Colonel Samuel Trautman (Richard Crenna), the former commanding officer of Rambo's old Special Forces unit, arrives in town and talks to the sheriff. Trautman warns that continuing the manhunt is dangerous to the authorities, as Rambo is too experienced to be captured easily in the wilderness where he thrives. Instead, Trautman recommends giving Rambo time to return to his senses by allowing him some time to settle down and can be arrested without incident. However, the authorities reject Trautman's recommendation and continue the manhunt, and Rambo's subsequent rampage culminates in the destruction of the sheriff's office and most of the town's main street. Rambo stands poised to eliminate the sheriff, but Trautman finally confronts Rambo face-to-face, and ultimately convinces his former soldier to surrender to the authorities.

All in all, I say that this is a great movie, I give this movie a 7.5 / 10

Pirate Bay Torrent Link : The Rambo Quadrology Link :
  1. Rambo : First Blood
  2. Rambo : First Blood II
  3. Rambo III
  4. Rambo IV

The Rambo Quadrology!!

The Rambo Quadrology!!

- Rambo : First Blood (1982)      7.5 / 10
- Rambo : First Blood II (1985)     7 / 10
- Rambo III (1998)                     7 / 10
- Rambo (2008)                       8.4 / 10

Pirate Bay Torrent Link : The Rambo Quadrology Link :
  1. Rambo : First Blood
  2. Rambo : First Blood II
  3. Rambo III
  4. Rambo IV

Movie Reviews!!!

Well, since I haven't been posting recently i thought that i should write more soooooooo........ I think that i should write movie and game reviews, since those two are the only things that I actually like. Oh yeah, not to forget tv shows also!